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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

[NEWS] 120717 DBSK Becomes Overseas Artist With Most Singles Sold in Japan

DBSK telah menaklukan tempat pertama lainnya di chart oricon mingguan single dan membuat sejarah selama ini.

Menurut Oricon Jepang, single terbaru DBSK, Android telah diakui minggu ini di tempat pertama di Chart Oricon mingguan single.

Androin telah dirilis pada 11 juli yang di akui di tempat pertama di chart harian single untuk enam hari berturut - turut.

Oricon lalu merilis pada 17 juli bahwa duo ini telah memenangkan chart mingguan juga, membuat DBSK 11 kali di atas chart Oricon mingguan single.Single DBSK sebelumnya Still juga menempati tempat pertama di chart Oricon mingguan single pada bulan Maret memberikan mereka 10 kemenanggan di chart mingguan, yang berada di tempat pertama dari seluruh artis dan sekarang Android telah meneruskan rekor itu.

Dengan tambahan, homepage Oricon menyatakan bahwa DBSK telah membuat sejarah dengan menjual total 3,104,000 copy untuk semua single sejauh ini, membuat mereka artis yang single paling banyak terjual di Jepang.

DBSK memecahkan rekor lama yang di bentuk oleh duo Amerika The Carpenters, yang menjual total kombinasi 3,002,000 copy dari single nya.

-English Trans-

DBSK has notched another first place win on the Oricon weekly singles chart and made history while doing so.

According to Japan’s Oricon, DBSK′s new single, Android has claimed this week’s top spot on the Oricon weekly singles chart.

Android was released on July 11 where it claimed the top spot on the daily singles chart for six consecutive days in a row.

Oricon then revealed on July 17 that the duo had won the week’s weekly chart as well, making it DBSK′s 11th time atop the Oricon weekly singles chart. DBSK’s previous single Still had also placed first on the Oricon singles weekly chart in March giving them their 10th win on the weekly chart, which was a first for an overseas artist and now Android has extended their record.

Additionally, the Oricon homepage revealed that DBSK had made history by selling a total of 3,104,000 copies of all its singles so far, making them the overseas artist with the most singles sold in Japan.

DBSK broke the old record set by the American duo The Carpenters, who had sold a combined total of 3,002,000 copies of its singles.

Photo credit: SM Entertainment

Credits: enewsworld
Indo Trans+Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

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