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Saturday, October 13, 2012

[VIDEO] 121013 TVXQ - MBC Music Core

Credits: TanVuMusicCore
Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

[PHOTO] 121013 Jaejoong - Seo In Woo Twitter Update

[TRANS] Bintang Hallyu Sebenarnya Jaejoongie (dihapus)

-English Trans-  

[TRANS] A true hallyu star Jaejoongie (omitted)

Source: faceinmusic
Indo-trans+Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

[NEWS] DBSK to make a guest appearance on ‘Hello’

TVXQ akan membuat penampilan pada KBS ‘Hello’ episode mendatang.
‘Hello’ adalah sebuah program yang menyajikan berbagai masalah atau kekhawatiran, dimana para host, tamu, dan penonton akan mendengarkan cerita mereka dan memberikan saran sebelum akhirnya melakukan voting apakah masalah itu adalah sesuatu yang benar-benar memprihatinkan.
Produser program tersebut mengatakan, “TVXQ akan membuat penampilan pertama mereka pada ‘Hello’.” Telah terungkap bahwa syuting untuk episode ini akan berlangsung pada tanggal 14 Oktober.
“Mereka berdua akan menghabiskan waktu yang bermakna karena mereka akan mendengarkan berbagai masalah atau kekhawatiran yang dikirim oleh pemirsa. TVXQ adalah penggemar dari program ini, dan karena ini akan menjadi penampilan pertama mereka, kami tidak sabar untuk mendengarkan saran mereka terhadap masalah yang dimiliki orang-orang yang berpartisipasi dalam acara tersebut,” kata produser.
-English Trans-

 DBSK will be making an appearance on an upcoming episode of KBS‘s ‘Hello‘.
‘Hello’ is a program in which viewers present their various concerns or worries, and the hosts, guests, and the audience listen to their stories and offer advice before ultimately voting on whether the worry is something to be really concerned about.
According to the producers of the program, “TVXQ will be making their first appearance on ‘Hello’”.It has been revealed that the recording for the episode will be taking place on October 14th.
“The two will be spending a meaningful time as they will be listening to the various concerns or worries sent in by applicants. DBSK is a fan of the program and as this will be their first appearance, we look forward to hearing the advice they have to give to those participating in the show,” the producers said.

Indo-trans: pinkrazy.wordpress.com
Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

[PHOTOS] 121013 TVXQ - Music Core Kpop Concert Rehearsal

At Chonnam Yeongam Korean Formula One Grand Prix circuit

Credits: Max's + Yoonhoya
Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

[VIDEO] 121013 Jaejoong - Fanmeeting in Nanjing Greeting

Credits: starsInLoveJYJ01
shared by: TVXQ5INDO

[NEWS] 121013 TVXQ will be getting down and dirty in the mud for ‘Running Man’

TVXQ dan Moon Geun Young akan berkotor-kotoran di ‘Running Man’ episode mendatang.

TVXQ muncul dengan membawakan lagu baru mereka “Catch Me” di halaman sebuah rumah saat para anggota ’Running Man’ sedang tidur disana. Mereka mengaku, “Ini adalah pertama kalinya kami bekerja begitu keras di pagi hari. Penampilan pertama kami sangat menyenangkan.”

Kemudian duo ini bekerja sama dengan Moon Geun Young. Dalam permainan photozone yang berlangsung di lapangan lumpur, TVXQ dengan cepat mengenakan pakaian lengkap dengan sepatu bot, dan tidak keberatan berkotor-kotoran karena mereka berpartisipasi aktif dalam permainan tersebut untuk mendapatkan lonceng.

Staf memberikan petunjuk akan seperti apa episode tersebut dengan mengatakan, “Mereka menggunakan berbagai transportasi seperti helikopter, perahu yang berjalan baik di darat maupun air, dan kapal patroli yang beratnya sampai 3.000 ton untuk berkeliling di darat, laut, dan udara di Incheon. Itu akan menjadi balapan yang spektakuler.”

‘Running Man’ episode ini akan ditayangkan pada tanggal 14 Oktober.
-English Trans-

TVXQ and Moon Geun Young will be getting down and dirty on the upcoming episode of ‘Running Man‘.

TVXQ made their entrance by performing their new song “Catch Me” in the garden of the house where the ‘Running Man’ members were sleeping. They confessed, “This is the first time we’ve worked so hard so early in the morning. Our first stage has been very fun.”

Then the pair teamed up with Moon Geun Young. In the photozone game that took place in a mud field, TVXQ quickly dressed in working clothes complete with boots, and didn’t mind how dirty they were getting as they participated actively in the game to earn bells.

The staff gave hints to what the episode would be like by saying, “They used various transportation such as helicopters, a boat that runs both on land and water, and a patrol ship that weighed up to 3,000 tons to get around the land, sea, and air of Incheon. It was a spectacular race.”

The full episode of ‘Running Man’ will air on October 14th.

Credits: Allkpop
Indo Trans: pinkrazy.wordpress.com
shared by: TVXQ5INDO

[NEWS] 121013 Why did the TVXQ members cry on ‘God of Victory’?

Para anggota TVXQ menangis saat syuting untuk acara ’God of Victory’.

TVXQ dan UV bertarung satu sama lain dalam berbagai aspek di acara itu, dan salah satu kontesnya adalah untuk melihat siapa yang bisa menangis paling cepat. UV yang menyarankan kontes tersebut, namun kemudian menyatakan khawatir mereka dengan mengatakan, “Yoo Se Yoon biasanya cengeng, tetapi akhir-akhir ini dia bahagia.” Ketika Yoo Se Yoon mengatakan ia akan melakukan yang terbaik dalam kontes ini, Yunho menjawab, “Aku punya banyak hal yang menumpuk di dada ku, jadi aku bisa menangis dengan mudah.”

TVXQ dan UV tidak membiarkan diri mereka terganggu dengan ‘senjata rahasia’ dari staf yang mencoba mengganggu mereka. Terutama Yunho yang mempunyai perasaan mendalam dan tidak bisa berhenti menangis bahkan setelah kontes itu selesai.

Segmen penuh dan pertarungan lainnya akan ditayangkan pada tanggal 14 Oktober mendatang.
-English Trans-  

The TVXQ members cried while filming for ‘God of Victory‘.

TVXQ and UV battled each other in many aspects on the show, and one of the contests was to see who could cry faster. UV suggested the contest, but expressed their worry by saying, “Yoo Se Yoon is usually a crybaby, but lately he’s been happy“. When Yoo Se Yoon said he would perform the best in this contest, Yunho replied, “I’ve got a lot of things built up in my chest, so I can cry well.”

Both TVXQ and UV did not let themselves be disturbed from their crying even with the staff’s ‘secret weapon’ to try and disturb them. Yunho especially got too into his feelings and couldn’t stop crying even after the round was over.

The full segment and other battles will air on the 14th.

Credits: Allkpop
Indo Trans: pinkrazy.wordpress.com
shared by: TVXQ5INDO

[NEWS] 121012 JYJ’s Jaejoong to return to the big screen with ‘Code Name Jackal’

Jaejoong JYJ akan kembali ke film dengan ‘Code Name Jackal’!

Berbeda dengan karakter yang karismatik dan menarik yang dia ambil untuk drama ‘Dr. Jin‘ dan ‘Protect the Boss‘, Peran baru Jaejoong akan menuntut Jaejoong untuk menjadi malaikat dan setan.

Untuk film ini, Jaejoong akan bermain karakter seorang bintang yang tampak santun, tetapi kenyataannya menyiksa manajernya dan mengabaikan fansnya.Dia akan didampingi oleh bintang lain Song Ji Hyo, yang mengambil peran sebagai pembunuh legendaris.

‘Code Name Jackal’ akan ada d bioskop pada november 2012
-English Trans-

JYJ‘s Jaejoong will be returning to the big screen with ‘Code Name Jackal’!

Unlike the charismatic and appealing characters he took on for dramas ‘Dr. Jin‘ and ‘Protect the Boss‘, Jaejoong’s new role will require him to become both an angel and a devil.

For this movie, Jaejoong will play a character who is a seemingly well-mannered star, but in reality actually bullies his manager and ignores his fans. He will be accompanied by his co-star Song Ji Hyo, who has taken on the role of a legendary killer.

‘Code Name Jackal’ will hit the movie theaters in November of 2012.

Credits: Allkpop
Indo Trans+hared by: TVXQ5INDO

[NEWS] 121012 TVXQ’s ‘Guerilla Date’ filming canceled due to an overcrowding of fans

Syuting untuk KBS ‘Guerilla Date’ dibatalkan.

TVXQ awalnya dijadwalkan untuk melakukan syuting episode ’Guerilla Date’ mereka pada tanggal 12 Oktober lalu. Namun, karena acara tersebut memperlihatkan selebriti yang berjalan di jalanan dan memungkinkan para penggemar untuk menonton dan mengikuti jalannya syuting, Cassiopeia yang tak terhitung jumlahnya berkumpul untuk mendukung idola mereka. Karena ada begitu banyak orang yang berkumpul, terdapat isu-isu keamanan dan akhirnya syuting dibatalkan.

Reporter Kim Tae Jin menulis di Twitternya, “TVXQ seharusnya syuting untuk ’Guerilla Date’ pukul 20:30 hari ini, tapi dibatalkan karena alasan keamanan. Ada lebih dari 100 kali lipat jumlah penggemar dari yang ditunjukkan foto ini, dan itu sangat berbahaya ㅠ”

Penggemar yang datang ke lokasi syuting melaporkan, “TVXQ meminta maaf kepada para penggemar yang telah menunggu sebelum pergi,” dan “Aku belum pernah melihat begitu banyak orang berkumpul untuk Guerilla Date.”

-English Trans-  

The filming for KBS 2TV‘s ‘Guerilla Date‘ was canceled.

TVXQ was originally scheduled to film their episode of ‘Guerilla Date’ on the 12th. However, as the show features celebrities walking through the streets and allows fans to watch and follow the filming, countless Cassiopeia gathered to support the group. Because so many people had gathered, there were safety issues and filming was canceled.

Reporter Kim Tae Jin tweeted, “TVXQ was supposed to have their ‘Guerilla Date’ at 8:30 PM today, but it was canceled due to safety reasons. There were more than 100 times the amount of fans as shown in the photo, and it was very dangerous ㅠ“.

Fans who had been present reported, “TVXQ apologized to fans who had been waiting before leaving“, and “I’ve never seen so many people gathered for a guerilla date.”

Source: Kim Tae Jin’s Twitter
Credits: Allkpop
Indo Trans: pinkrazy.wordpress.com
Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

[NEWS] 121012 TVXQ’s Yunho impressed by Yoo Se Yoon’s strength on ‘God of Victory’

Yunho TVXQ terkejut dengan kemampuan atletik UV.

TVXQ dan UV menjadi tamu di MBC ‘God of Victory‘, dan Yunho bersama dengan Yoo Se Yoon bertarung bersama untuk pull up bar, mencoba agar lawan jatuh dengan hanya menggunakan kaki mereka.

Sebelum pertandingan, Yoo SE Yoon menyatakan, "Aku tidak akan kalah di pertarungan pull up bar ini." Yunho menyatakan, "Walaupun si monyet Yoo Se Yoon mempunyai harinya dimana dia akan jatuh dari tiang.Itu akan terjadi hari ini. Aku tudak akan pernah kalah di pertandingan pull up bar ini."

Semua di studio tampak percaya bahwa Yunho akan menjadi pemenang, sebagaimana dia bahkan telah mengalahkan Kim Joong Kook yang beroto di tiang beberapa waktu sebelumnya.Sementara itu, dimulailah pertandingan, Yoo Se Yoon membuktikan kata-katanya dengan kemampuan yang tidak disangka-sangka, mendominasi Yunho. Yunho berkata, 'Yoo Se Yoon melampaui Kim Jong Kook.Pikiranku tiba-tiba hilang.

Hasil penuh dari seluruh pertandingan akan ditayangkan pada 14.

-English Trans-

TVXQ‘s Yunho was astounded at UV‘s athletic abilities.

TVXQ and UV were guests on MBC‘s ‘God of Victory‘, and Yunho along with Yoo Se Yoon had to battle each other on a pull up bar, trying to make the other fall by using only their legs.

Before the round, Yoo Se Yoon declared, “I won’t lose in a pull up bar battle.” Yunho revealed, “Even the monkey Yoo Se Yoon has his days where he’d fall from the bar. That’s going to be today. I’ve never lost in a pull up bar battle.”

Everyone in the studio seemed to believe that Yunho would be the victor, as he’d even beat the muscular Kim Jong Kook on the bar once before. However, once the battle started, Yoo Se Yoon proved his words with unexpected skill, dominating Yunho. Yunho declared, “Yoo Se Yoon has surpassed Kim Jong Kook. My mind is currently blown.”

The full results of all the matches will be aired on the 14th.

Source: TV Daily via Nate
Credits: Allkpop
Indo Trans+Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

[VIDEO] 121012 JYJ donation for Thailand Flood Relief and now..

Credits: CJESJYJ
Shared by: TVXQ5INDO