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Thursday, July 19, 2012

[NEWS] JYJ Junsu's World Tour is Heating Up on the Other Side of the World

Dengan berita tentang Konser tur dunia JYJ, fans menunjukkan ketertarikan mereka dari seluruh dunia.

Sejak pengumuman dari tur dunianya pada 17 juli, fans dari seluruh dunia telah menunjukkan dukungan mereka.Fans di Peru mengumpulkan foto dari fans memegang poster XIA dan membuat susunan.Fans di Mwxico membuat video berdurasi 5 menit menunjukkan banner yang besar yang bertuliskan,'Mexico selalu menunggu untukmu JYJ.'

Video ini dibuat dengan upaya dari 11 fansclub yang dikumpulkan lebih dari 1,000 foto dari Junsu JYJ atau satu yang mereka buat sendiri.Disana juga terlihat fans memegang papan dan berteriak nama JYJ, menunjukkan ketertarikan mereka dan mendukung mereka.

Amerika selatan telah menyebar kabar tur melalui social media networks seperti Twiter
Tweet seperti #XIAJunsuenMexico, #CHILEdeservesXIATOUR, #XIATOURinPERU dan lainnya menempati tempat tertinggi.
Sebelum Junsu mengumumkan secara official dari turnya, dia telah menerima banyak kasih sayang dari semua bagian di dunia.Dia akan menyelesaikan tur Asianya di bulan Agustus dan memulai tur dunianya.

-English Trans-

With the news of JYJ Junsu's world tour, fans are showing their interest from all over the world.

Ever since the announcement of his world tour on July 16, fans from all over the world have been showing their support. Fans in Peru gathered pictures of fans holding up XIA posters and created a collage. Fans in Mexico filmed a 5 minute video showing a huge banner that read, 'Mexico is always waiting for you JYJ.'

This video was made by the efforts of 11 fan clubs by collecting over 1,000 pictures of JYJ Junsu or one that they created themselves. There were also scenes of fans holding signs and screaming JYJ's names, showing their interest and support for him.

South America has been spreading the news of his tour through social media networks such as Twitter. Tweets such as #XIAJunsuenMexico, #CHILEdeservesXIATOUR, #XIATOURinPERU and others all ranked high.
Even before Junsu announced the official cities of his tour, he has been receiving much love from all parts of the world. He will finish his Asia tour in August and begin his world tour.

Credits: Kpopstarz
Indo Trans+Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

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