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Thursday, December 6, 2012

[NEWS] 121204 TVXQ Dance Practice Video, ‘Not Even a Hint of Mistakes, Dance Soldiers’

TVXQ Dance Practice Video, 'Tidak Bahkan Petunjuk Kesalahan, Tarian Tentara'

Grup TVXQ berlatih koreografi mereka untuk "Humanoids" lagu baru mereka telah terungkap.

Hari ini, TVXQ mengungkapkan video latihan mereka melalui YouTube. Dan kemarin pada Musik Naver mereka mengadakan acara lainnya antara lain Q & A sesi dengan fans.

Ini adalah kali pertama mereka mengungkapkan video latihan untuk "Humanoids," menangkap banyak perhatian. Meskipun itu hanya latihan, para anggota dan penari tampaknya memungkinkan tidak menunjukkan kesalahan, menunjukkan sinkronisasi sempurna.

Pengguna internet yang melihat hal ini berkomentar, "Saya sangat terkejut setelah menonton ini," "Saya berharap mereka bekerja sedikit lebih lama dengan lagu ini," "gerakan tarian hanya TVXQ yang bisa melakukannya," dan "video Praktek yang lebih dingin dari pertunjukan yang sesuangguhnya . "

-English Trans-

TVXQ Dance Practice Video, ‘Not Even a Hint of Mistakes, Dance Soldiers’

Group TVXQ practicing their choreography for their new song “Humanoids” was revealed.

Today, TVXQ revealed their practice video through YouTube. And yesterday on Naver Music they held several other events such has Q&A session with fans.

This was their first time revealing a practice video for “Humanoids,” catching much attention. Even though it was just practice, the members and dancers seemed to allow not even a hint of mistakes, showing perfect synchronization.

Internet users who saw this commented, “I was so shocked after watching this,” “I hope they work a bit longer with this song,” “Dance moves that only TVXQ can do,” and “Practice videos are cooler than the actual stages.”

credit: kpopstarz
Indo Trans+shared by: TVXQ5INDO

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