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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

[NEWS] JYJ’s Yoochun’s eye condition continues to worry fans

Etika bekerja keras dan kesehatan Yoochun JYJ menyebabkan fans khawatir.

Pada 3 juli, Yoochun menulis untuk fansnya di twitter, berkata,"Walaupun kau telah menyempurnakannya di dalam hatiku...Aku tidak tahu jika karena penglihatanku tidak jelas... Tetapi hari ini pekerjaan sangat sulit...aku akan pergi tidur sekarang; selamat pagi~!!^^"

Selama komentar tersebut, member JYJ yang lelah mengupload foto ruang kerjanya yang redup, yang hanya ada terang lampu dari monitor tampak di luar matahari sedang terbit.Kedua tweet dan foto tersebut di post sekitar pukul 6:53 AM (KST), itu tampak yoochun telah bekerja untuk sebuah projek sampai fajar.

Sebagaimana Yoochun baru-baru ini terjangkit conjunctivitis, atau "mata pink", fans prihatin atas kondisi yoochun baru-baru ini, berkomentar,"Itu bagus jika kamubekerja keras tetapi matamu tidak dalam kondisi yang baik...itu sangat menyedihkan," dan, "Juka penglihatanmu memburuk, bukannya itu berarti dia tidak bisa sepenuhnya belum sembuh dari mata pink?"

Brita lainnya, pertunjukkan '2012 JYJ Membership Week’yang telah di resmikan pada 28 juni, telah diakhiri baru-baru ini setelah berjalan 4 hari.

-English Trans-

JYJ Yoochun‘s hard work ethic and health has caused fans to worry.

On July 3rd, Yoochun wrote to his fans on Twitter, saying, “Although you have been completed in my heart… I don’t know if it’s because my vision is blurry… but today’s work was really difficult… I’m going to sleep now; good night~!! ^^”

Along with this comment, the tired JYJ member uploaded a picture of his dimly lit office, in which the bright screens of the monitors seem to outshine the early morning sun. As both the tweet and picture were posted around 6:53 AM (KST), it seems Yoochun had been working on a project until dawn.

As Yoochun had only recently contracted conjunctivitis, or “pink eye”, fans have expressed concern for Yoochun’s current condition, commenting, “It’s nice that you’re working hard but your eye isn’t in good condition…. It’s concerning,“ and, “If his vision is blurry, doesn’t that mean he hasn’t fully recovered from pink eye yet?”

In other news, the '2012 JYJ Membership Week’ exposition, which was launched on June 28th, has recently concluded after its 4-day run.

Credits: allkpop
Indo Trans+Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

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