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Friday, June 15, 2012

[TRANS] JYJ Twitter Update

Jaejoong: “Listen, Lee Gak…” “Where is Park Yoochun!” pic.twitter.com/jZgySngY
Jaejoong: "Dengar, Lee Gak..." "Dimana Park Yoochun!" pic.twitter.com/jZgySngY   

Jaejoong: The four brothers of the police bureau. pic.twitter.com/r9GgSbYZ
Jaejoong: Empat orang saudara dari biro polisi.  pic.twitter.com/r9GgSbYZ

Junsu: Hey! Jakarta!!^^ pic.twitter.com/LctlQ9Ty
Junsu: Hei! Jakarta!!^^  pic.twitter.com/LctlQ9Ty

Min Young Ki: @ 1215thexiahtic You changed your hair color??
Junsu: @ poimin73 Hyung!! How are you doing? ^^
Min Young Ki: @ 1215thexiahtic Kamu mengganti warna rambutmu??
Junsu: @ poimin73 Hyung!! Bagaimana kamu lakukan? ^^
Junsu: The messages I received yesterday late night… Even though he himself was so busy filming drama and movie…. Kind Jaejoong hyung still contacted me like this through the phone in the middle of the night… and your hyped-up energy upon mentioning of me during your drama interviews. pic.twitter.com/Eur8Fd8J
Junsu: Pesan yang aku terima kemarin malam.... Meskipun dirinya begitu sibuk syuting drama dan film.... Jaejoong hyung tetap menghubungiku seperti di telepon pada tengah malam... dan hyped-up energimu menyebutku selama interview dramamu pic.twitter.com/Eur8Fd8J

Junsu: ha, fight on TT
Jaejoong: ("Jaejoongie hyung"): Mm, see you tomorrow ^^
15/06 4.09am
Jaejoong: Junsu ya, I'm watching your dance version MV now. Kekekeke
Jaejoong: You did well.
Jaejoong: I'm now staying up all night at a motel and in awe now.kekeke
Junsu: Thank you hyung!! You have worked hard, hyung TT
Jaejoong: handsome handsome kekeke ]
Junsu: And the one who promoted my album and gave me compliments… Yoochun… ^^ To be in the same group, I’m really a lucky one..♥
Junsu: ha, semangat TT
Jaejoong: ("Jaejoongie hyung"): Mm, sampai besok ^ ^
15/06 04:09
Jaejoong: Junsu ya, Aku sedang menonton MV dance versimu sekarang. kekekeke
Jaejoong: Kamu melakukannya dengan baik.
Jaejoong: Sekarang aku begadang semalaman di motel dan dalam kekagum sekarang.kekeke 
Junsu: Terima kasih hyung! Kamu telah bekerja keras, hyung TT
Jaejoong: kekeke tampan tampan]

Junsu: Dan orang yang mempromosikan albumku dan memberiku pujian ... YooChun ... ^ ^ Untuk berada dalam kelompok yang sama, aku benar-benar beruntung .. ♥

source: Jaejoong+Junsu's Twitter
credit: Maze Jae+josiemiao
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun
indo Trans & shared: TVXQ5 Indonesia

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