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Sunday, February 12, 2012

[NEWS] 120210 jTBC responds to accusations of using Yoochun’s pictures

jTBC telah mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi untuk menanggapi tuduhan telah menggunakan foto anggota JYJ, Yoochun.

Selama wawancara telepon yang berlangsung pada tanggal 10 dengan StarN, perwakilan jTBC berkomentar, "Memang benar bahwa kami telah merilis sebuah laporan mengenai sebuah bintang idola dan foto telanjang, namun, kami tidak menyebut Park YooChun."

Pada tanggal 9, jTBC melaporkan bahwa mantan pacar dari bintang idola yang tidak disebutkan namanya itu menggunakan foto telanjang untuk memerasnya kurang lebih dari $ 800.000 USD.

Dalam laporan tersebut, mereka telah menggunakan foto kabur Park YooChun dan netizens telah menemukan salinan asli dari foto dalam perbandingan, sehingga menarik kesimpulan bahwa bintang idola adalah Yoochun.

Namun, jTBC mengatakan, "Kami tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip pelaporan berita. Foto tersebut pixelated / kabur sebelum dirilis, dan kami tidak pernah mengungkapkan identitas dari bintang idola yang bersangkutan. Itu adalah pihak ketiga yang berspekulasi bahwa bintang idola tersebut adalah Park YooChun, dan karena itu tidak ada hubungannya dengan kami. "

English Translation
jTBC has issued an official statement in response to the accusations of using JYJ member Yoochun‘s photos.

During a phone interview that took place on February 10th with StarN, a jTBC representative remarked, “It is true that we have released a report regarding an idol star and naked photos, however, we did not make any mention of Park Yoochun.”

Ahead of this on the 9th, jTBC reported that the former girlfriend of an unnamed idol star was using naked photos to blackmail him for over $800,000 USD.

In the report, they had used blurred photos of Park Yoochun and netizens had found the original copies of the photos in comparison, thus drawing conclusions that the idol star was Yoochun.

However, jTBC stood their ground saying, “We did not violate any principles of news reporting. The photos were pixelated / blurred before being released, and we have never revealed the identity of the idol star in question. It was the third parties who speculated that the idol star was Park Yoochun, and therefore it has nothing to do with us.”

Meanwhile, JYJ’s agency C-JeS Entertainment strongly denied the reports saying, “The idol star in question is not Park Yoochun. In the event that these rumors prove to be false and an invasion of privacy, we will immediately seek legal action through legal advisors.”

Source: Star News
Credits: Allkpop
Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

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