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Monday, February 20, 2012

[TRANS] 120219 Bigeast Staff Report : Niigata Makuhari Messe, Day 1

Tohoshinki pertama kali di Niigata setelah lima tahun !

Pada February, Jalanan terlihat seperti dunia silver.Saljunya sangat cantik.

Seperti hari pertama di Niigata, ulang tahun Changmin.Selama encore, hanya seperti Yunho menghilang dari panggung, Lagu "Happy Birthday" mengisi arena, dan Yunho muncul dengan membawa Kue yang besar! Dengan doa yang baik dari semua orang di stadium,lilin ditiup dari kue dengan gembira,  dan untuk membalas dendam atas insiden sebelumnya, Yunho datang dari belakang Changmin...tetapi dia terlihat oleh Changmin, dan bergegas menggambil Cream segar dari Yunho yang cemas, tetapi akhirnya wajah Changmin berlumur Cream segar (tertawa) ini adalah spesial momen lainnya dimna perteman yang dekat antara dua orang yang bisa dilihat.

-English Trans-

Tohoshinki’s first time in Niigata after five years!

Even in February, the streets look like it is a silver world. The powder snow is really beautiful.

Such a first day in Niigata, was Changmin’s birthday. During the encore, just as Yunho disappeared from the stage, the tune of “Happy Birthday” sounded in the arena, and Yunho reappeared carrying a huge cake! With well wishes from everyone at the stadium, the candles were blown from the cake happily, and to exact revenge for the previous incident, Yunho came from behind Changmin….but he was noticed by Changmin, and rushed to take the fresh cream from the anxious Yunho, but eventually Changmin’s face was smeared with fresh cream. (Laughs) This was another of the special moments where the close relationship between the two men could be seen.

Source : [Bigeast Official Site]
Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net
Indo Trans by: TVXQ5INDO

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