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Friday, February 10, 2012

[TRANS] Park Yoochun In High Gear For “Attic Prince” Filming, Due To South American Concerts

Park YooChun akan kembali menyapa penonton drama pada 14 Maret melalui tayangan episode pertama dari "Attic Prince." Tapi sebelum itu, JYJ akan mengadakan tur mereka di Amerika Utara pada tanggal 9 dan 11 Maret, di Chili dan Peru.

Karena itu, syuting untuk "Attic Prince" akan tertunda sekitar satu minggu. Park YooChun resmi mulai syuting pada tanggal 9 Februari, melanjutkan jadwal kerjanya yang sibuk.

Setiap perubahan dalam ruang dari jadwal Park YooChun yang dapat menyebabkan masalah, tapi personil SBS menjelaskan ke Asia Today bahwa, "JYJ konser tur dikonfirmasi dari awal. Meskipun jadwal sangat ketat, kami sudah merencanakan untuk syuting adegan Park YooChun pertama. Tidak akan ada masalah dengan tayangan."

"Attic Prince" bercerita tentang putra mahkota dari dinasti Chosun yang kehilangan putri tercintanya kemudian melakukan perjalanan dengan anak buahnya ke 300 tahun ke depan ke Seoul modern, untuk melanjutkan percintaan nya yang belum direalisasikan dari masa lalu, adalah fantasi-komedi romantis. Selain Park YooChun, juga dibintangi Han Ji Min, Lee Tae Sung dan Jung Yoo Mi.

English Translation

Park Yoochun will be returning to the drama viewers on 14 March via the first episode broadcast of “Attic Prince.” But before that, JYJ will be holding their North American tour on 9 and 11 March, in Chile and Peru.

Because of this, filming for “Attic Prince” is expected to be delayed by about one week. Park Yoochun officially started filming on 9 February, continuing his busy work schedule.

Any change in the spaces of Park Yoochun’s schedule could cause problems, but the SBS personnel explained to Asia Today that ,”The JYJ concert tours were confirmed from the start. Although the schedules are very tight, we have already planned to shoot Park Yoochun’s scenes first. There will be no problems with the broadcast.”

“Attic Prince” is about the crown prince of the chosun dynasty who loses his beloved princess then travels with his consorts 300 years into the future to the modern day Seoul, to continue his unrealised romance from the past,s a fantasy-romantic comedy. Aside from Park Yoochun, it also stars Han Ji Min, Lee Tae Sung and Jung Yoo Mi.
Source: [Baidu TVXQ + Asia Today]
Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net
Credits: DBSKnights.net
Indo Trans & shared: TVXQ5 Indonesia

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