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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

[NEWS] 120214 JYJ’s Documentary to be Shown Through Lotte Cinema

Fans yang kecewa dengan keputusan CGV Cinema untuk menarik film dokumentari JYJ sekarang akan dapat siap disaksikan di Lotte Cinema!

Pada 14 feb, agensi JYJ C-Jes Ent menyatakan, "Film dokumentasi JYJ, yang tidak dapat ditampilkan karna CGV membatalkan kontrak, akan diputar di Lotte Cinema mulai dari tanggal 23 feb.Film dokumentari telah di edit semenarik mungkin untuk fans dan akan terisi dengan cerita dan adegan sebenarnya dari keseharian mereka."

Mereka melanjutkan," Karena masalah jadwal, bukan tidak mungkin bahwa JYJ akan hadir menyapa fans saat premier. Namun, mereka menjadwalkan untuk menghadiri pada hari pembukaan dan akhir pekan di Seoul.JYJ telah mempersiapkan video spesial untuk fans mereka yang tidak dapat hadir."

Dokumentari JYJ,'The Day', akan ditayangkan di Lotte Cinema di 17 Teater; ini akan diputar pertama kali pada tanggal 23 feb. Yang lebih spesifik akan rilis pada tanggal 17 feb melalui C-Jes ent official website dan homepage Lotte Cinema.

-English Trans-

Fans who were disappointed by CGV Cinemas‘ decision to pull JYJ‘s documentary will now be able to watch the film through Lotte Cinema!

On February 14th, JYJ’s agency C-JeS Entertainment said, “JYJ’s documentary, which couldn’t be shown due to CGV suddenly canceling the contract, will be screened by Lotte Cinema starting from February 23rd. The documentary was edited to be appealing to fans and will be filled with real stories and scenes from their daily lives.“

They continued, “Due to conflicting schedules, it is not likely that JYJ will be able to come greet fans at each of the premieres. However, they are planned to attend the opening day and weekend in Seoul. JYJ has prepared a special video for their fans in the cities that they will not able to go to.“

JYJ’s documentary, ‘The Day‘, will be shown through Lotte Cinema in 17 theaters; it will have its first screening on February 23rd. The specifics will be released on February 17th through C-JeS Entertainment’s official website and on Lotte Cinema’s homepage.

Source: Newsen
Credits: Allkpop
Indo Trans & Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

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