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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

[TRANS] 120214 JaeChun Twitter Update

Coklat apa? Surga untuk pasangan neraka untuk yang single!
What chocolates? Single heaven couple hell!

(Yoochun)@wowkimsohyun Annyeo~ng.Ini Yoochun Oppa.Aku membaca berita dan aku tau kamu sekarang punya twitter~^^
(sohyun) @6002themicky belum lama aku menggunakan twitter hehe.Syuting akan sangat melelahkan♥ jadi tolonng jaga kesehatanmu! aku malu jadi aku tidak bisa menemukan kata-kata^^
(Yoochun) @wowkimsohyun hehehe oh begitu~ kamu pasti sangat sibuk bahkan saat sedang tidak syuting, jadi jaga kesehatanmu~^^
(Yoochun) Kapan aku menerima coklat??^^ ..

 -English Trans-

(Yoochun) @wowkimsohyun Annyeo~ng. It's Yoochun-oppa. I read the news and got to know you were on Twitter~^^
(Sohyun) @6002theMicky It hasn't been long since I started using Twitter hehe. Filming must be so tiring♥ so please take care of your health! I'm shy so I can't find the words..^^
(Yoochun) @wowkimsohyun hehehe I see~ you must be busy even while not filming, so take care of your health~^^
(Yoochun) When will I be able to receive chocolates??^^..

new DP

Source: Jaejoong + Yoochun's Twitter
Translation by: tohosomnia + Evy901
Indo trans & Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

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