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Saturday, February 18, 2012

[Trans] “Love Mode” Park Yoochun-Han Jimin, Captured At The Filming Site Of “Rooftop Prince”

Sebuah adegan di lokasi pembuatan film terbaru SBS Rabu-Kamis drama "Rooftop Prince", yang dijadwalkan untuk disiarkan pada bulan Maret, tertangkap olehJepang.

Seorang fans Jepang yang pergi dengan username "Akira" memposting teks, "Pagi ini, syuting untuk drama" “Rooftop Prince" mulai di Myeong-dong.", Bersama dengan foto terkait banyak dari situs.

Dalam foto, Park YooChun dan Han Jimin terlihat syuting untuk drama dalam ayunan penuh. Suasana manis terlihat saat staf bersiap-siap untuk syuting adegan dimana keduanya mulai jatuh cinta dan mencari satu sama lain.

Secara khusus, Han Jimin cantik yang "bersinar sendiri" bahkan di antara orang banyak dan Park YooChun, yang syuting di tengah kota dengan jubah kekaisaran, enak dipandang mata.

Setelah melihat foto-foto ini, netizens menyatakan, "Saya telah mengantisipasi tayangan ini sejak lama", "Hanya melihat foto-foto, tampilan dua begitu kompatibel", "Ini sangat unik, mengenakan jubah kekaisaran di tengah kota " dan "Miss Han Jimin benar-benar  "bersinar" keindahannya", tanggapan lain.

Pada catatan lain, "Rooftop Prince" adalah sebuah komedi romantis imajinatif yang menggambarkan kisah seorang putra mahkota dari dinasti Chosun, Lee Gak (diperankan oleh Park YooChun), yang menemukan sebuah kekuatan yang tidak bisa dijelaskan saat menelusuri kematian istrinya (dimainkan oleh Jung Yoo Mi),dan berakhir pada tahun Seoul 2012 bersama dengan pengikutnya, di mana ia bertemu dan jatuh cinta dengan wanita yang menjadi takdirnya (diperankan oleh Han Jimin).

English Translation 

A scene at the filming site of SBS’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama “Rooftop Prince”, scheduled to broadcast in March, was captured by a Japanese.
A Japanese fan who goes by the username “Akira” posted the text, “This morning, filming for the drama “Rooftop Prince” began in Myeong-dong.”, along with many related photos from the site.
In the photos, Park Yoochun and Han Jimin are seen filming for the drama in full-swing. The atmosphere was sweet as the staff were preparing to shoot the scene where the two begin to fall in love and are looking at each other.
In particular, the beautiful Han Jimin who “glows on her own” even among the crowd and Park Yoochun, who is filming in the middle of the city with an imperial robe on, are eye-catching.
Upon seeing these photos, netizens expressed, “I have been anticipating the broadcast since a long time ago”, “Just looking at the photos, the two look so compatible”, “It’s so unique, wearing an imperial robe in the middle of the city” and “Miss Han Jimin really is a “glowing” beauty”, among other responses.
On another note, “Rooftop Prince” is an imaginative romantic comedy that depicts the story of a crown prince from the Chosun dynasty, Lee Gak (played by Park Yoochun), who encounters an unexplainable force while tracing the death of his wife (played by Jung Yoo Mi), and ends up in 2012 Seoul along with his followers, where he meets and falls in love with the woman of his destiny (played by Han Jimin).
Source : [BaiduMickyYoochun Sports Chosun]
Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net
Credits: sharingyoochun.net
Indo Trans & shared: TVXQ5 Indonesia

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