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Thursday, March 8, 2012

[Trans] 120307 “Date Looks” Of Males Who Are Big Hits Now “U-Know Yunho • Lee Seung Gi • Lee Joon”

U-Know Yunho, para fashionistayang enak dilihat.Lee Seung Gi, laki-laki yang sangat pantas memakai pakainan casual, dan generasi baru fashionista,Lee Joon. Pakaian kasual mereka sekali lagi menggambarkan ketertarikan orang-orang.

Tiga lelaki yng masing-masing menampilkan gaya mereka yang berbeda untuk pakaian yang santai.Kenapa tidak kita melihat tips fashion dari ketiga lelaki ini bagaimana berpakaian untuk berkencan saat musim panas dan musim semi ?

-English Trans-

U-Know Yunho, the fashionista that is pleasing just to look at. Lee Seung Gi, the male most suited for casual wear, and the new generation fashionista, Lee Joon. Their casual wear has once again drawn the attention of people.

The three males each showcase their different styles of fashionable casual wear, suitable for a date or for a regular outing. Why not look to these three males for fashion tips on how to dress for a date which will be as warm as Spring?

U-Know Yunho TVXQ, yang selalu kita kenal dengan style bandaranya, yang sangat enak dipandang "style jumper" saat ini.U-know Yunho pakaian santainya adalah sangat nyaman sampai memberikan kharisma.ini pantas untuk berkencan santai dengan film bersama pacar, atau kencan sangat formal seperti berbelanja.

Walaupun semua pakaiannya semua berwarna hitam, logo yang berwarna menjadi poin dalam fashionnya.Dia tampak lebih tampan dengan tambahan topi dan kacamata. Gaya ini sangat layak untuk dicoba.

-English Trans-  

TVXQ’s U-Know Yunho, who has always been known for his stylish airport fashion, has showcased an eye-catching “jumper-style” this time. U-Know Yunho’s casual wear is comfortable yet gives off a sense of charisma. It is suitable for a casual movie-date with a girlfriend, or a more formal date such as shopping.

Although he is dressed all in black, the coloured logo becomes the fashion-point. He seems even more handsome with the cap and sunglasses added. This look is definitely worth a try.

(irrelevant potions omitted)

Source: [BaiduTVXQ + News 2 Day]
Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net
Indo Trans by :TVXQ5INDO

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