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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

[News] 120313 JYJ completes world tour and prepares for second English album

Setelah sukses menyelesaikan tahunkemarin dengan Tur dunia mereka, JYJ menyatakan bahwa mereka akan fokus pada aktivitas individu mereka dan merilis album ingris ke tiga mereka di pertengahan tahun.

Pada 13 maret, C-JeS Ent menyatakan 6,000 fans tertarik untuk melihat Penampilan JYJ di Peru.Seminggu sebelumnya,Fans telah membuat tenda di luar gedung konsermenunggu para anggota datang dan acara mereka.Mimpi mereka adalah bertemu untuk bertemu bahkan saat acaranya sudah berakhir, mereka dilaporkan menyanyi juga.

Tahun sebelumnya, Para member tur total ke 15 kota berbeda dan tampil dihadapan 210 penonton,dengan sempurna terjual habis di 12 kota dan mencatat 80% ranggking tertinggi diatas rata-rata untuk penjualan tiket.

CEO Baek Chang Joo berkata,"JYJ akan fokus di produksi album mereka dan aktifitas individu mereka sekarang.Di pertengahan tahun ini, mereka akan merilis album inggris kedua mereka."

Dia melanjutkan,"Tur dunia ini mungkin terjadi karena JYJ.Popularitas mereka cukup bagus untuk bisa menggelar konser terbyka dimanapun didunia. Melalui ini, mereka mendapatkan kepercayaan dan pengetahuan, ini adalah salah satu alasan mengapa kami mengadakan tur dunia tahun depan,"

-English Trans-

After successfully completing a year of their world tour, JYJ has revealed that they will now be focusing on their individual activities and the release of their second official English album in the second half of the year.

On March 13th, C-JeS Entertainment revealed that 6,000 fans showed up to watch JYJ perform in Peru. For over a week, fans had been camping outside the concert hall awaiting the boys’ arrival and their show. Their dreams were met for even after it was all over, they were reported to have been chanting for more.

For the past year, the boys have toured a total of 15 different cities and performed for a 210,000 member audience, completely selling out 12 of those cities and recording 80% higher ticketing rates than the average.

CEO Baek Chang Joo expressed, “JYJ will be focusing on their album production and their individual activities for now. In the second half of the year, they will release a second English album.”

He continued, “This world tour was possible only because it was JYJ. Their popularity is great enough to be able to open a concert anywhere in the world. Through this, they earned confidence and know-how, which is one of the many reasons why I’m looking for their world tour next year.”

Source + Photos: E-Daily via Naver
credit: allkpop
Indo Trans + Shared by : TVXQ5INDO

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