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Friday, March 9, 2012

[Pic] 120308 Photos of the arrival of the Korean band JYJ in Chile

Photos by Diego Martin (Noix Chile)

Perjalanan lebih lama dari yang diharapkan.Band korea butuh waktu sekitar 40 jam untuk sampai di Negara kita,melewati Los Angles,US.

Terlepas dari itu, mereka tiba di bandara santiago pada 4:20 a.m pada hari kamis tanggal 8 maret, dimana mereka disambut sekitar 300 fans yang menunggu mereka berjam-jam untuk dapat melihat idola mereka secara dekat.

Band ini akan peeform Jumat ini 9 maret , di Teatro Caupolicán yang pastinya akan sangat penuh.Disana masih ada beberapa tiket yang dijual melalui sistem Feriaticket.

-English Trans-

It was a much longer trip than expected. The Korean band took about 40 hours to arrive in our country from theirs, passing by Los Angeles, United States.

Despite this, they arrived at the Santiago airport at 4:20AM on Thursday, March 8th, where they were received by about 300 fans that waited for hours to be close to their idols.

The band will perform this Friday March 9th, at Teatro Caupolicán that is absolutely full. There are still a few tickets on sale through Feriaticket system.

source: agendamusical.cl
trans by: sharingyoochun.net
Indo trans + shared by :TVXQ5INDO

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