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Thursday, March 8, 2012

[Trans] 120305 ‘Rooftop Prince’ Park Yoochun Says, “I’m Envious Of ‘The Moon Embracing The Sun”s Viewership Ratings”

Muncul sebagai putra mahkota Lee Gak di 'Rooftop Prince'...bersaing dengan Kim Soo Hyun di ‘The Moon Embracing The Sun’? “I’m not fazed by it.”

-English Trans-

Appearing as Crown Prince Lee Gak in ‘Rooftop Prince’… Being compared to Kim Soo Hyun of ‘The Moon Embracing The Sun’? “I’m not fazed by it.”

Aktor dan Anggota JYJ Park Yoochun menyatakan perasaan sebenarnya tentang dramanya yang bersaing dengan mini seri MBC Rabu-Kamis ‘The Moon Embracing The Sun’. Park Yoochun hadir dan berpartisipasi di konferensi untuk drama terbaru SBS 'Rooftop Prince', yang di laksanakan tanggal 5 di Hotel Lotte Di Jamshil-dang, Seoul.Dia akan berperan sebagail Lee Gak, pangeran mahkota dari dinasty Joseon yang berada di Seoul di tahun 2012.

-English Trans- 

JYJ-member and actor Park Yoochun revealed his true feelings about having his drama compared to the MBC Wednesday-Thursday miniseries ‘The Moon Embracing The Sun’.
Park Yoochun attended and participated in the conference for SBS’ new Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Rooftop Prince’, which was held on the 5th at the Lotte Hotel in Jamshil-dong, Seoul. He will be taking on the role of Lee Gak, a Joseon Dynasty crown prince who finds himself in Seoul in the year 2012.
Ketika ditanya bagaimana perasaannya tentang karakter yang akan bersaingan dengan Lee Hweon di ‘The Moon Embracing The Sun’ yang dimainkan oleh aktor Kim Soo Hyun, Park Yoochun memberikan jawaban, "Aku tidak terganggu dengan itu."Park Yoochun menjelaskan bahwa,"Sebagai plot dan karakter mereka yang berbeda,aku tidak memikirkan akan ada persaingan antara keduanya yang masuk akal."

Dia melanjutkan dengan tersenyum dan berkata,"Drama mereka direkam dengan penonton yang bagus dan aku sangat iri tentang aspek tersebut."Park Yoochun juga menambahkan,"Drama adalah produksi yang lengkap melalui banyak kerja keras dan susah payah.Itu mengapa aku berharap drama ini akan bagus."

-English Trans-  

When asked how he felt about his character being compared to King Lee Hweon in ‘The Moon Embracing The Sun’, played by Actor Kim Soo Hyun, Park Yoochun gave the reply, “I’m not fazed by it.” Park Yoochun went on to explain that, “As the plots and characters themselves are so different, I don’t think a comparison between the two would be reasonable.”

He continued to smile and say, “Their drama is recording such amazing viewership ratings and I’m really envious about that aspect.” Park Yoochun also added, “A drama is a production that is completed through the hard and laborious work of many. That’s why I hope this drama does really well.”

'Rooftp Prince adalah drama dengan plot yang menggunakan konsep 'time slip'.Drama akan menggambarkan episode yang beragam yang membangun ketika Lee Gak,bersama dengan pustakawan Song Man Bo (Lee Minho), penjaga militer Woo Young Sool (Jung Seok Won) dan orang kasim Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik)

-English Trans-   

‘Rooftop Prince’ is a drama with a plot that revolves around a ‘time slip’ concept. The drama will depict the various episodes that arise when Lee Gak, along with Librarian Song Man Bo (Lee Minho), Military Guard Woo Young Sool (Jung Seok Won) and Eunuch Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik) somehow find themselves in the 21st century atop the rooftop home of Park Ha (Han Ji Min).

Source: [Sports Hankook]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net
Indo Trans by :TVXQ5INDO

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