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Friday, March 9, 2012

[TRANS] 120308 JYJ are Thankful for their First Visit to Chile

Popularitas trio JYJ telah melanda Chileuntuk jadwal konser mereka yang akan dilaksanakan hari Jumat 9 maret di Caupolican Theatre.

Untuk itu,mereka sebelumnya menghadiri media nasional di pers conference pada Kamis yang dimana mereka mendiskusikan perjalanan dan isu lainnya.

Jam 4pm, Jaejoong,Yoochun dan Junsu berpose ke kamera dan mengekspresikan apresiasi mereka berada di Chile.

Meskipun berada di negara tersebut baru beberapa jam, mereka mengekspresikan keterkejutan mereka didi dalam menyaksikan kebudayaan chile.

Juga,Junsu mengekspresikan pandangannya mengenai pembajakan musik, isu kontroversial kepada grup dengan mengatakan "Musik adalah bahasa yang menyatukan semuanya."

Selain itu, grup yang mempunyai jadwal penampilan ke dua di Amerika Selatan pada minggu 11 maret di Lima,Peru.

-English Trans-

Popular trio JYJ are already in Chile for their scheduled concert that’s to be held on Friday March 9 at the Caupolican Theatre.

For that, they appeared before the national media at a press conference on Thursday where they discussed the trip and other issues.

By 4pm, Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu, posed for the cameras and expressed their appreciation to be in Chile.

Despite being in the country for only a few hours, they express their surprise in witnessing the Chilean culture.

Also, Junsu expressed his views regarding music piracy, a controversial issue to which the group said that "music is a language that unites all."

Additionally, the group have scheduled a second performance in South America on Sunday March 11 in Lima, Peru.

Source: meganoticias.cl
Translation by: LilyAzne125
Credits: ecaisme
Indo trans + Shared by:TVXQ5INDO

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