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Monday, March 12, 2012

[TRANS] 120310 YooSu Twitter Update

(Junsu) Aku cinta Chile~~♥
(Jeri Slaughter) @1215thexiahtic sampai bertemu nanti!! :)
(Junsu) @slaughteration Yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo

(Junsu) @yoonphantom Hyung~ pada tanggal 18 maret kita reunian^^

(Junsu) Di peru~

-English Trans-

(Junsu) I love chille~~♥

(Jeri Slaughter) @1215thexiahtic see you soon!! :)
(Junsu) @slaughteration Yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo

(Junsu) @yoonphantom Hyung~on the day of Mar 18th we reunite^^

(Junsu) In peru~

(Yoochun) tampak seperti mendung dan sudah terlambat...Tetapi aku mendapatkan perasaan tentang peru.aku dipeluk oleh awan sekarang bye

(Junsu) Mehrong (T/N:suara seperti menjulurkan lidah)

-English Trans-  

(Yoochun) Seems like it's gloomy and late already.. But I've got a feeling about Peru. I'm being embraced by the clouds now bye

(Junsu) Mehrong (T/N: Sound of sticking tongue out)

(Junsu) @6002theMicky aku ditahan olehmu...

(Junsu) @6002theMicky setiap hari, kenapa hari ini aku mulai tertawa setelah aku meliahat wajahmu ㅋㅋ ngomong-ngomong..Jaejoongi-hyung sangat depresi, apa yang akan kamu lakukan... mengeluhhhh~ ayo kita kuatkan diri!

-English Trans-

(Junsu) @6002theMicky I'm being held by you..

(Junsu) @6002theMicky Of all days, why is it that today I just start laughing as soon as I see your faceㅋㅋ By the way.. Jaejoongie-hyung is so depressed, what are we going to do...... Sighhh~ Let's be strong!

(Junsu) aku...sejujurnya sangat capek sekarang...Heukㅜ

-English Trans-

(Junsu) I... honestly am very tired right now........... Heukㅜ

(Yoochun) Chicken pox...

Source: Junsu + Yoochun's Twitter
Translation by: neonoenjena + AllRiseXiahtic
Indo Trans + Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

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