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Friday, March 16, 2012

[Trans] 120315 Park Yoochun – Unable To Eat Nor Sleep, Kept Tearing‏

Park Yoochun saat ini masih berjaga di pemakaman ayahnya yang meninggal dunia pada sore kemarin pada tanggal 14 maret.

Sejak dimulainya tur Amerika Selatan pada tanggal 6 maret dan menerim berita meninggalnya ayahnya, dia belum beristirahat sekitar empat hari.Flu yang di deritanya belum membaik saat dia berada di Amerika selatan, dia tetap kuat.

Wakil Park yoochun menyampaikan kepada Osen melalui telefon,"Park Yoochun sekarang bekum makan dan tidak tidur tetap terjaga.Saudaranya Park Yoohwan menyuruhnya untuk beristirahat sementara dia mengambil alih tugas-tugasnya tetapi yoochun 'kluarga yang berkabung' (anak tertua yang sedang berkabung), demikian juga harus memenuhi smua tugas-tugasnya. Pada catatan yang lain, dia telah banyak pulih dari flunya hingga tidak ada masalah dengan kesehatannya sekarang.Tetapi dengan usianya yang muda, ada trauma yang besar untuknya."

Wakil SBS menyatakan,"baru saja jadwal syuting belum ditetapkan, oleh karena itu apakah ada jadwal pengganti untuk syuting atau tidak, akan dibicarakan setelah acara pemakaman selesai."

T/N: Ini sangat menyakitkan untuk mentransalate ini.Orang-orang mungkin tidak nyaman dengan ini tetapi aku pikir kita harus adil kepada semua fans yang peduli kepada updatenya brita yoochun dan aku tidak tahu untuk bahasa lain.Tetaplah kuat, Yoochun dan Yoohwan.

-English Trans-

Park Yoochun is currently staying vigil at his father’s funeral who passed away on the early afternoon of the 14th.

Since the beginning of the South American tour on the 6th and the receiving of his father’s death news, he has not been getting proper rest for almost four days. As his flu has gotten better when he was in South America, he is still currently staying strong.

Park Yoochun’s representative relayed to Osen through a telephone call, “Park Yoochun is currently not eating nor sleeping at all while staying vigil at the wake. His brother Park Yoohwan had wanted to let him rest while taking over his duties but as Yoochun is the ‘family’s mourner’ (the deceased’s eldest son), thus had to fulfill his duties. On a lighter note, he has pretty much recovered from his flu thus there’s not much problem with his health right now. But at such a young age, it has been a big trauma to him.”

SBS representative said, “Currently the filming schedule is not fixed yet, therefore as to whether is there a back up plan to film or not, it will be discussed after the funeral ended.”

source: osen
credit: mickylovelove
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun
Indo Trans +shared by : TVXQ5INDO

T/N: It’s just too painful to translate this. People might not be comfortable with this but I guess we have to be fair to all other fans who care about Yoochun’s update and do not know of other languages. Stay strong, Yoochun and Yoohwan.

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