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Saturday, March 3, 2012

[Trans] The Teaser For ‘Rooftop Prince’ Created Topics

'Rooftop Prince', tampil perdana pada 14 Maret, tentang putra mahkota Lee Gak yang melakukan perjalanan 300 tahun ke depan untuk menemukan satu cinta sejatinya dan insiden yang terjadi.

Setelah episode terakhir dari "Please Take Care of Us, Captain!" Pada tanggal 1, teaser resmi drama dimulai dengan Lee Gak (Park YooChunberteriak "Di tempat mana ini?" Dan cara Park YooChun berlari, bersama dengan sikap  berdiri Park YooChun dan anak buah istananya menarik perhatian.

Terutama ketika Park YooChun intens menatap ramyun dengan dia mengenakan pakaian kerajaan dan hiasan kepala menarik perhatian netizenSetelah itu ketika Park Ha mengeluarkan catatan sepuluh ribu, Park Yoochun dan anak buah istananya berlututmembungkuk sambil berteriak "Yang Mulia!" Saat melihat Raja Sejong pada catatan. Hal ini membuat banyak tertawa meledak.

Terakhir, teaser menyimpulkan dengan Park YooChun dan komentar Han Ji Min dari "Hidup seolah-olah mati, mati seolah-olah masih hidup, bahkan setelah 300 tahun, saya masih akan mengingat Anda."

Tim produksi menyatakan, "Ada banyak grafis buatan fans dan video baru-baru ini, sehingga kami merasa popularitas meningkat. Setelah teaser ini dirilis, kami menerima respon yang besar secara online dan karena itu kami pasti akan memberikan sepotong menarik dan kerja yang baik untuk semua orang. "
English Translate
‘Rooftop Prince’, premiering on the 14th March, is about crown prince Lee Gak who time-travelled 300 years ahead in order to find his one true love and the incidents that happened.
After the last episode of “Take Care Of Us, Captain!” on the 1st, the drama started its official trailer with Lee Gak (Park Yoochun) shouting “Where is this place?!” and the way Park Yoochun ran, together with the standing stance of Park Yoochun and his courtiers attracted attention.
Especially when Park Yoochun intensely stared at the ramyun with him donning the imperial outfit and the head dress caught netizens’ attention. After which when Park Ha took out the ten thousand note, Park Yoochun and his courtiers knelt down, bowing while shouting “Your Highness!” upon seeing the King Sejong on the note. This made many burst out laughing.
Lastly, the teaser concluded with Park Yoochun and Han Ji Min’s commentary of “Living as though dead, dead as though still living, even after 300 years, I will still remember you.”
The production team expressed, “There have been a lot of fan-made graphics and videos recently, thus we felt the popularity rising. After the teaser was released, we received great response online and therefore we will definitely give an interesting and good piece of work to everybody.”
source: my daily
credit: loveissammi
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun.net
indo trans & shared: TVXQ5 Indonesia

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