Perusahan survey Rating pemirsa, AGB Nielsen Media Research, telah melaporkan bahwa tanggal 5 april episode dari daram SBS Rooftop Prince mengumpulan 12,5% dalam rating pemirsa.
Ini meningkat 1,3% dari episode 4 april, yang mendapat rating pemirsa 11,2%, tetapi apa yang membuat orang-orang tertarik adalah fakta bahwa 'Rooftop Prince' telah mampu menyalip 'The King 2 Heart', yang sebelumnya berada di #1 di rating pemirsa dalam satu slot.
Pada episode 5 april diperlihatkan pangeran dan 3 pengikutnya kikuk untuk emnyesuaikan diri untuk perusahaan sebagaimana mereka mulai bekerja untuk ‘Home and Shopping’. Karakter membawa pamirsa tertawa bersamaan dengan pertemuan komedi mereka dengan minuman campuran dan “YaJa Time”(Dimana orang-orang menggunakan bahasa yang tidak formal dan berkata apa yang ada di pikiran mereka, terlepas dari posisi atau tingkatan)
Drama lain dalam slot yang sama mngumpulkan rating yang menurun; MBC‘s ‘The King 2 Hearts’ mengumpulkan 12.1% dalam rating pemirsa, selain itu KBS 2TV‘s ‘The Equator Man‘ mengumpulkan 10.2%.
-English Trans-
‘Rooftop Prince‘ has recently placed first in ratings out of all the dramas in its time slot.
Viewer rating survey company, AGB Nielsen Media Research, has reported that the April 5th episode of SBS drama ‘Rooftop Prince’ garnered 12.5% in viewer ratings.
This was a 1.3% increase from the April 4th episode, which had a viewer rating of 11.2%, but what really caught people’s attention was the fact that ‘Rooftop Prince’ was able to finally overtake ‘The King 2 Hearts‘, which had previously been #1 in viewer ratings in the time slot.
The episode on April 5th showed the prince and his 3 servants’ clumsy adjustment to corporate life as they start working for ‘Home and Shopping’. The characters brought viewers laughs through their comedic encounters with mixed drinks and “YaJa Time” (where people use informal language and say what is really on their minds, regardless of position or rank).
Other dramas in the same time slot garnered lower ratings; MBC‘s ‘The King 2 Hearts’ had 12.1% in viewer ratings, while KBS 2TV‘s ‘The Equator Man‘ achieved 10.2%.
Credits: Allkpop
Indo Trans + Shared by: TVXQ5INDO
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