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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

[NEWS] 120604 JYJ’s Yoochun Seriously Considered Adopting a Younger Sister Over the Past 2 Years

Pada 4 Juni JYJ Yoochun diwawancarai di sebuah Restoran di daerah Kangnam, di mana ia mengungkapkan hal yang mengejutkan, “Aku sangat menyukai anak perempuan. Aku dan ibuku sedang berpikir serius untuk mengadopsi seorang adik perempuan.“

Selama awal wawancara, YooChun tidak bisa menyembunyikan kegembiraannya saat mendengar tentang aktris cilik Kim So Hyun, aktris cilik yang memainkan Hong Sena muda di SBS‘s ‘Rooftop Prince‘. YooChun menyatakan, “Dia begitu lucu. Aku ingin seorang adik perempuan atau anak perempuan seperti dia. Aku benar-benar menyukai anak perempuan.

Penggemar sangat ingin mengetahui bagaimana kedekatan hubungan antara YooChun dan So Hyun karena mereka melakukan banyak pembicaraan lewat Twitter, meskipun mereka tidak pernah memiliki adegan bersama dalam drama ‘Rooftop Prince’.

Untuk ini, YooChun menjelaskan, “Kami menjadi dekat saat berbagi ruang tunggu yang sama. Oleh karena itu, So Hyun dan aku sering bertemu. Aku menghabiskan banyak waktu dengan So Hyun karena waktu menunggu yang panjang untuk syuting ‘Rooftop Prince. So Hyun akan datang menemuiku terlebih dahulu dan membawakan makanan untukku dan meminta untuk berfoto bersama. Dia benar-benar imut”.

Selanjutnya, YooChun mengungkapkan pertimbangan dirinya untuk mengadopsi seorang adik perempuan, “Setiap kali aku pergi ke gedung kesejahteraan atau tempat penampungan anak-anak untuk menjadi relawan, hatiku sedih ketika melihat anak-anak tersebut. Aku juga memiliki kenangan ketika aku harus melalui periode sulit karena aku tinggal jauh dari keluarga, tapi aku merasa mereka pasti memiliki waktu yang lebih sulit. Aku ingin memberi banyak cinta untuk seseorang semampuku, itu sebabnya aku ingin mengadopsi adik perempuan sejak dua tahun terakhir. Ini adalah dilema yang serius untukku.“

Pewawancara menyatakan bahwa wajah Yoochun berubah dalam sekejap ketika ia membahas alasan untuk tidak menindaklanjuti adopsi tersebut. YooChun menyatakan, “Aku merasa bahwa selebriti adalah profesi dimana kalian tidak bisa memberikan cinta sepenuhnya kepada satu orang. Aku menyerah memutuskan untuk tidak mengadopsi karena aku merasa itu akan menjadi suatu tindakan yang tidak bertanggung jawab.“

Selanjutnya untuk topik tentang pernikahan, YooChun berkata, “Aku sangat mencintai anak perempuan. Aku membayangkan memiliki keluarga yang penuh dengan cinta. Ketika menikah aku rasa aku akan memiliki anak perempuan seperti So Hyun. Minimal, aku pikir ada kemungkinan 70%  aku akan memiliki seorang putri yang cantik. Kalau dia anakku, dia pasti akan cantik,“ dan Yoochun tertawa atas kalimat terakhirnya.

-English Trans-

On June 4th, JYJ‘s Yoochun was interviewed at a restaraunt in Kangnam, in which he shockingly revealed, “I really love daughters. My mother and I seriously considered adopting a younger sister.”

During the start of the interview, Yoochun could not conceal his excitement at the mention of Kim So Hyun, the child actress who played the young Sena on SBS‘s ‘Rooftop Prince‘. Yoochun stated, “She is so cute. I want a younger sister or daughter like her. I really do love daughters.”

Fans were very curious as to how Yoochun and So Hyun have such a close relationship, in which they hold numerous conversations over Twitter, even though they have never had a scene together in ‘Rooftop Prince’. To this, Yoochun explained, “There were many times when our waiting rooms were close by or times when we shared the same waiting room. Therefore, So Hyun and I saw each other a lot . I spent a lot of time with So Hyun because the waiting time [for 'Rooftop Prince'] was long. So Hyun would come find me first and bring me food to eat and ask to take pictures together. It was really cute”.

Furthermore, Yoochun revealed his past consideration of adopting a younger sister and stated, ”Whenever I went to welfare buildings or shelters for children to volunteer or make a donation, I was heartbroken when I saw the children. I also have memories of when I went through a difficult period because I lived away from my family, but I feel like those children must be having a much more difficult time. I wanted to give someone as much love as I can, which is why I considered adoption for the past two years. It was a serious dilemma for me.”

The interviewer stated that Yoochun’s smiling face turned serious in an instant when he discussed the reason for not following through with the adoption. Yoochun stated, “I felt that a celebrity is a profession in which you cannot give all your love to one person. I gave up the decision to adopt because I felt like it would be an irresponsible act.”

Subsequently after discussing the topic of marriage with Yoochun, the interviewer wrote, “He is giving much thought about marriage, which is why I think he said that he will publicly reveal his relationship if he starts to date this time. With dating and marriage in mind, Yoochun wants to meet her in a sincere manner. He doesn’t have a concrete plan set for marriage, but his face brightened as soon as he began to fantasize about having a daughter.”

Yoochun said, “I really love daughters. I fantasize about having a loving family. When I marry I think I will be able to have a daughter like So Hyun. At the minimum, I think there is a 70% chance that I will have a pretty daughter. If she’s my daughter, she’ll definitely be pretty,” causing himself to laugh.

Source: Newsen
Credits: Allkpop

Indo-trans: kidihae@Koreanindo.net
Shared by:  TVXQ5INDO

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