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Thursday, August 2, 2012

[NEWS] 120802 JYJ sues Dispatch for defamation of character

Setelah menciptakan kontroversi dengan perilisan laporan dan file audio yang merinci tuduhan makian dan tindak kekerasan terhadap sasaeng fans oleh member JYJ, Dispatch telah digugat oleh JYJ atas pencemaran nama baik.

Menurut laporan yang meruak, perwakilan JYJ dikabarkan telah mengajukan gugatan terhadap Dispatch dan menuntut 100 juta won pada tanggal 1 Agustus waktu setempat. Dilaporkan juga bahwa mereka telah menuntut Dispatch untuk menurunkan file audio dan artikel mereka, atau akan didenda sejumlah 3 juta won tiap harinya jika media outlet tersebut tak mematuhinya. Suatu laporan juga menyebutkan bahwa perwakilan tersebut menyatakan bahwa Dispatch telah mengancam untuk merilis laporan-laporan lainnya jika mereka tidak diberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan wawancara eksklusif.

Kuasa hukum JYJ menyatakan, “Mengungkapkan rekaman file audio ke publik secara ilegal tanpa konfirmasi terlebih dahulu pada mereka yang terlibat dan mengungkapkan nama asli dianggap sebagai pencemaran nama baik dan pelanggaran privasi.”

“Sebelumnya kami mengajukan sebuah kasus kriminal Maret lalu. Namun, setelah didiskusikan, kami pikir bahwa gugatan perdata lebih baik, dan dengan demikian (kami) mencabut gugatan sebelumnya dan mengajukan kembali.”

-English Trans-

After creating controversy with the release of their report and audio files detailing the alleged swearing and violence against sasaeng fans by the JYJ members, Dispatch has been sued by JYJ for defamation of character.

According to reports that have surfaced, JYJ’s representatives are said to have filed a lawsuit against Dispatch asking for 100 million KRW (~$88,355 USD) on August 1st KST. It is also reported that they have demanded that Dispatch take down the audio files and their article, or be fined with 3 million KRW (~$2,650 USD) each day that the media outlet does not comply. One report also mentioned that the representatives stated that Dispatch had threatened to release more reports if they were not granted an exclusive interview.

JYJ’s legal team stated, “Publicly revealing an illegally recorded audio file without confirming with those involved first and revealing their real names is considered to be defamation of character and a violation of privacy.”

“We had previously filed a criminal case back in March. However, after discussion, we thought that a civil lawsuit was a better fit, and thus retracted the previous lawsuit and refiled again.”

Source: StarNews
Credits: Allkpop
Indo Trans : geevy@koreanindo.net
Shared by: TVXQ5INDO

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