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Sunday, February 12, 2012

[News] 120212 JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong captured at Noel’s concert

JYJ Jae Joong membagikan gambar yang diambil di sebuah konser.

Pada awal Februari 12, Kim Jae Joong mengaupload gambar dan tweeted, "Saya pergi ke konser Noel dengan Jae Young. Noel sangat mengagumkan." Sebelumnya pada tanggal10 dan 11, Noel mengadakan 'Noel Valentine Konser Hari: Proposal Manis' di auditorium Universitas Yonsei.

Rambut cokelat Kim Jae Joong menarik perhatian. Mengenakan kemeja hitam, dan jaket kulit, Kim memberikan tawa terbaik dengan mengenakan kacamata hitam dan berpose tolol.

Netizens berkomentar: "Kim Jae Joong tampak seperti dia bersenang-senang." "Saya tidak berpikir ada yang mengenali Kim Jae Joong." "Idola yang tahu bagaimana menikmati konser." "Konser Noel pasti menakjubkan." "Kim Jae Joong begitu manis."

English Translation

JYJ’s Jae Joong revealed a picture taken at a concert.

On early February 12, Kim Jae Joong uploaded a picture and tweeted, “I went to Noel’s concert with Jae Young. Noel was just awesome.” Previously on February 10 and 11, Noel held ‘Noel’s Valentine Day Concert: Sweet Proposal’ at the auditorium of Yonsei University.

Kim Jae Joong’s brown hair attracts attention. Wearing a black shirt, and leather jacket, Kim gave a good laugh by wearing sunglasses and posing goofily.

Netizens commented: “Kim Jae Joong looks like he’s having fun.” “I don’t think anyone recognizes Kim Jae Joong.” “Idol who knows how to enjoy a concert.” “Noel’s concert must’ve been amazing.” “Kim Jae Joong’s so cute.”

source: TV report
credit: en.korea
Indo Trans & shared: TVXQ5 Indonesia

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